
How to Choose a Tarot Card Deck (For Beginners)

by Janice Smart on Sep 25, 2023

How to Choose a Tarot Card Deck (For Beginners)

Exploring the world of tarot cards can be an exciting (and enlightening) experience. But first, you’ll need to select the right tarot card deck - and with so many options available, this can often feel overwhelming.

If you’re currently looking for the perfect tarot card deck for beginners, read on as we share our top tips on exactly what to look out for.

Consider Your Experience Level

When you're just starting with tarot, it's crucial to consider your experience level. As a beginner, you want a deck that's user-friendly and comes with clear interpretations. Look for tarot card decks that have straightforward imagery and symbols, to make it accessible and easy to understand. 

Explore The Imagery

The imagery on tarot cards varies widely, and your personal connection with the artwork is important. Take your time exploring some different decks and paying attention to the visuals, colors, and symbolism. You may want to consider the following questions:

- Does the artwork resonate with you?

- Does it bring up any specific emotions or thoughts?

- Are you drawn to a particular theme (eg. nature, astrology or mythology?)

Your first tarot deck should be visually appealing to you and inspire your intuition. The imagery should also feel comfortable and relatable, as this will improve your connection with the cards during readings.

Look for a Beginner-Friendly Deck

As a beginner, it's a good idea to choose a tarot card deck designed with novices in mind. Look for decks that come with a guidebook or companion booklet that explains the meanings and interpretations of each card. These resources will give you a solid foundation for understanding the cards, and you can progress from there.

Consider Your Intuitive Connection

Tarot cards are all about intuition, so having a personal connection with your chosen deck is crucial. As you explore different cards, pay attention to how the deck makes you feel. Do the cards feel welcoming and in tune with your energy, or do they create resistance?

Your intuition will guide you to the right choice. Trust your instincts, as they play an important role in being able to connect with and interpret the cards effectively.

Here at Inspire Me Naturally, we have a beautiful range of tarot cards for all skill levels. Explore our range online or in-store at our Mount Tamborine location!