Red Goldstone is said to be the "Stone of Confidence and Ambition", encouraging motivation and drive. It is an uplifting stone, encouraging a positive attitude. Goldstone is said to promote vitality and help to lift anxious energy to a happier mindset. Despite what its name implies, there is no gold in Goldstone. Goldstone's sparkle comes from flecks of copper set in glass. It was invented by the Miotti family in Venice during the seventeenth century and because glass is made from Quartz sand (Silica), Goldstone has found its way into the healing community. The sparkles of Red Goldstone are symbolic of the light that can always be found in the darkness. Use Red Goldstone when you feel lost, either literally or emotionally. Goldstone, like a diamond, is a good deflector of unwanted energies and is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protection mineral. It is a nervous system stimulant and enhances the transmission of healing energies from the hands; therefore it applies to long-distance healing.